Cheryl Ann Beillard

Cheryl Ann Beillard

WakeRobin Studio

In 2018, I took my first printmaking course. It was like breathing again, after a long period of holding my breath. Since then, I have explored many forms of printmaking. Prints may be ‘unique’, in that only one is produced, or part of a limited edition (series). Each print is ‘original’ as it is inked by hand and pulled through the press individually, resulting in slight variations in tone and line. I use my camera to capture the plants, birds and animals of the upper Ottawa valley, where I have lived for decades: I often draw or paint the subject before starting a new print. Nature is my deepest connection and source of comfort. My work is intended to celebrate nature and promote increased awareness of the need to protect our fellow species and the habitats we all need for our shared, long-term survival.